Société des Études anciennes du Québec

Colloque Theology in the City à Concordia, mars 2022 : APPEL À CONTRIBUTIONS

Début: 14 March 2022 à 8:00Fin: 18 March 2022 à 17:00

Le département d’études théologiques de l’Université Concordia organise pour la troisième fois un colloque d’une semaine intitulé Theology in the City, qui se tiendra à la mi-mars 2022. Une journée entière sera consacrée aux grands bouleversements (épidémies, pandémies, famines, etc.) qui ont marqué l’histoire et qui peuvent servir de contrepoint à une réflexion générale sur la pandémie actuelle et ses conséquences dévastatrices pour le monde.

Within the context of Theology in the City, Concordia University’s Dr. Richard Bernier, Dr. Jean-Michel Roessli, and Dr. Lucian Turcescu, with the help of graduate student Casey Williams, are organizing an academic conference around the theme “Historical and Theological Reflections on Pandemics, Plagues, and Famines” to be held on March 16, 2022.

It will ponder the great pandemics and upheavals of the past and their impact on the societies of their time. We seek to explore great pandemics, plagues, famines, and afflictions from the Late Antiquity (e.g., the plague of Justinian), the Middle Ages (e.g., the bubonic plague of the 14th century), and Modernity (e.g., the Irish Famine of 1845-52 and the Spanish Flu of 1918-20). We believe that a historical and theological reflection on these past life-and-death events may help to better understand the many challenges we have been facing since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating consequences throughout the world.

Scholars (graduate students and academics) are invited to submit a short proposal related to the selected themes. Some keynote speakers will also be invited to give a lecture. Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes per paper, except the keynote lectures which will be extended to 40 minutes, with a question period to follow. There will be two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. If the health situation allows it, the colloquium will be held on-site (special accommodations can be made to present via Zoom if travel is problematic). People interested in presenting are requested to send the title and a short summary of their proposal (5-10 lines), in French and/or in English, before January 10, 2022, to richard(dot)bernier(at)concordia(dot)ca, jean-michel(dot)roessli(at)concordia(dot)ca, and lucian(dot)turcescu(at)concordia(dot)ca